The Halving? WRONG! The Doubling? #halving

Video Transcript

The Bitcoin harving wrong it’s the doubling let me explain why Bitcoin miners consume a certain quantity of electricity in their miners to produce a certain quantity of Bitcoin but remember this if the harving comes along and cuts that amount of Bitcoin in half the electricity bill doesn’t change because we have to

Measure both the inputs the electrical cost versus the outputs mining Revenue which is what gets cut in half and this is evident the electricity bill doesn’t change it’s $125,000 but you’re only mining half a Bitcoin cuz the Haring comes along so you’re only getting $25,000 for your 122 Grand of cost what

Does this mean so everybody understands the Haring as it cutting it half but what it actually means is you need twice as much electricity and twice as much compute to produce the same Bitcoin for miners it’s not the Haring it’s the doubling

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